Anyway, Kath recommended a book that is already changing my life in the short week I've begun reading it. It's called Fit from Within, by Victoria Moran, and it is made up of short chapters I can read right before bedtime. It is packed full of wisdom about the importance of changing your life rather than going on a diet.

Every diet plan I've tried has failed miserably because the minute I went off it, I got discouraged and turned back to food for comfort. And no fad diet teaches you how to actually survive in the real world, so that once you've lost the weight and have stopped the plan you can maintain. Instead, they set you up to either fail or depend on their special foods and "services" (often with a hefty price tag) to keep you going
No sir, any successful weight loss must be part of a larger effort at transforming your relationship with food and desiring to be healthy for life. So this book may actually be a saving grace because it is motivating me to keep up the good work for the benefit of my self, and not my bathroom scale. I'm already noticing tiny differences - New Year's festivities weren't consumed with fearing what kinds of hors d'ouevres were available. If I wanted a bit of cheese dip, I had a bit of cheese dip. That piece of chocolate nested in a See's candy box? It had no chance. But I only had one and I wasn't hanging around the food the whole night. In the past I might have sat directly in front of the food spread and reached for the goods every time I got a chance.
Between my gallbladder-less digestive system and Ms. Moran, I think I'm gonna do this right this time!
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