This morning I woke up to the news that Leroy did indeed pass away. The details are scarce at this point but it sounds as if it happened quickly, which in "cancer world" can be a good thing.
I am very sad. Leroy helped me sort through a lot of my emotions about Dad's cancer. And even though my father only lived six months after diagnosis, while Leroy made it 2 1/2 years after being told he had 6 months to live, I can't really resent him for living, can't I? I think what I truly appreciated was that he gave a voice to all of the unspeakable thoughts and feelings that surround people living with cancer. And he encouraged us to speak out too. His blog was one of the inspirations for changing the focus of my own. I felt it was important to tell our story so that perhaps someone in the middle of Oklahoma somewhere might come across it and feel the slightest bit of comfort that they weren't alone in their own cancer journey.
Leroy did that for millions of people.
We will miss him.

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