Saturday, April 12, 2008


When I worked for the Chaplain at Korle Bu Hospital in Ghana and we were on call to see patients, we'd spend hours in the office watching Ghanaian television. What a trip!

One of the most entertaining parts were the music video interludes, especially this one by Slim Busterr....

Enjoy a little taste of Ghana.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Graduation Day

Tonight, at "Step 'n Sculpt with Nancy", I graduated from one step to two! No "Pomp and Circumstance" or anything, but I was relieved that I made it through the class without tripping or perhaps even breaking my leg.

I felt the difference big time! My calories burned went back up (it had plateau-ed over the past few weeks) and my booty is gettin' cuter every day. :)

Gotta love Healthy Teeny '08!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Take A Dip

When I decided to file for divorce, I knew that although I was nowhere near ready for a serious relationship, it was time to get back "out there." After all, I've never done the grown-up dating thing. I met my husband when I was 21 and never looked back.

So how to dive back into the dating pool when a) you're a rookie and b) the area you live in has a reputation for superficiality and a lack of brain cells? Go online, baby!

I had marginal luck my first couple of months. Met one boy who was nice but totally wrapped up in his life pre-Teeny and unwilling to make room. But last week I went on a date that put all other blind dates to shame!

"S" and I met for coffee - innocent and safe. 2 and 1/2 hours later, we were still gabbing away. Our lives are parallel not only in our mutual interests and love of dogs, but even in some of the trials we have faced. Since meeting, we have spoken on the phone almost daily and texted in between conversations. It's early yet but I have a good feeling about this one.

What's even better is that no matter what happens between us, it's so nice to have that good feeling and see myself moving forward with my life.

So thank you, S! I'm looking forward to Date #2! :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Season of Greatness

I have spent the last few days contemplating how best to capture the pride I feel in my alma mater. For the athletic greatness demonstrated. For the fact that they accomplished such greatness in the midst of a tiny student body of 1,700 and one of the most academically rigorous programs in the United States. For a coach whose story and whose commitment to Davidson is simply inspiring. And for the Board of Trustees' historic decision to dig into their own pockets and foot the bill for hundreds of students to travel to Detroit for the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight.

I have always gushed about my four years at Davidson. So I thought it only fitting to capture my exuberance and joy in a video tribute to Davidson College Basketball. I hope you enjoy it...

"I Can Do All Things..."