Monday, May 12, 2008

Me Likey the Vino

Last weekend was incredible! Mom, sister and I headed up to Santa Ynez with our Aunt Minnie, Emily and Elizabeth. We had bought a wine tour at a silent auction event last fall and decided to have a little girl's weekend/early Mother's Day celebration.

What a day! We toured the valley in style, in our Mercedes Airstream limo bus, stopped at four wineries and a yummy cafe in Los Olivos for lunch. By the end of the day, we were rolling down the hills (literally: see evidence below).

Happy Girls!

Rolling down the hills at Fess Parker (Winery #3 out of 4).
Not a great idea but highly entertaining for the rest of us!

We got home Saturday afternoon after a 5-hour crawl down the 405, reunited with our puppy and went to see Iron Man. My brother was in town for Mother's Day, and S came along too - it was an awesome movie and there is nothing better than holding hands in a movie theater. It's so innocent and fun. I know, I'm gross.

Sunday we went to Mother's Day Brunch at one of our favorite hotels in town. The theme was "Queen For a Day" and they had trumpeters herald the entrance of each mother. Mom had to take a picture on a throne, wearing a tiara and all. :) It was a tough Mother's Day as the first one without Daddy but I'm glad we could all be together.

So here it is, Monday morning. 6 more weeks until I bid farewell to my job and only two more months until I pack up and head north for school. What a year it's been!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Moratorium

That is what I am placing on behalf of my body, against any other diseases that might be considering crossing the path of my immune system. I was sick again for an entire week and I am none too pleased about it!

This time around it was tonsillitis (see pretty picture below). Which I have no memory of ever having before in my life. Last weekend I started feeling achy and weak and by Monday morning I hurt so bad I just wanted to have someone knock me out. And oh the fevers and chills! But the worst part by far was my throat. Every swallow was an exercise in holding back the tears. And I am not kidding.

I finally dragged my butt to the doctor on Wednesday (actually new boyfriend drove me - what a keeper!) and the verdict was handed down. Antibiotics for me and no work until Monday. I was fine with this as I really wanted to keep sleeping, but between an effed-up gallbladder in December and a horrific case of the flu in January, I was fresh out of sick time. So last week's trauma was compounded by the fact that it was almost-entirely unpaid. Ouch.

So any other germs out there who may be toying with the idea of coming for a visit, KEEP OUT!! I'm done being sick. And dammit, I just can't afford it!