Sunday, November 04, 2007

A New Year

After a really emotional week where I almost reached my breaking point on several occasions, I was sitting at Panera studying this afternoon and one of my favorite songs came onto iTunes. I first heard it 15 years ago when my CTY partner-in-crime Stephanie sang it at a talent show. Then it appeared in the finale of the fantastic movie "A Thing Called Love". One of the verses goes something like this:

"There’s a full moon tonight
And I’m bathing in its light
Naked as the day that I was born
There is no shame beneath this sky
I have kissed the past goodbye
And mended up my broken heart so torn
With a sweet sound
Only I can make
And it gets stronger
With every breath I take
And it’s all a part of making me feel new
Makes me think maybe God’s a woman too
Makes me think maybe God’s a woman too."

I had been thinking about the past year and the hell it has been. But the simple fact is, it's not the last time I'm going to look back at a period of my life and think "Wow, that was awful." And I have a choice for how I deal with it.

So in a nutshell, I'm not looking at my birthday as an occasion for sadness. I'm looking at it as a New Year's Day and it's time to make a resolution. My father took care of this family and showed us how to take care of ourselves. So I need to do so. I'll allow myself days of sadness, I'll allow myself to wallow and of course I'll allow myself to cry. But the best way I know how to honor my Dad and the legacy he left is to be healthy. Rather than sink deeper into hopelessness, I can use my grieving more mindfully to consider how I live each day.

One step at a time. But soon I'll not only be as good as new, I'll be better.

1 comment:

Sara Leonard said...

I'm proud of you. And, by the by, almost four years on, I'm still grieving for my mom. It's no less fun, but less overwhelming when a rich wonderful life surrounds you. You're doing great. There's no right or wrong way to grieve.