Sunday, February 10, 2008

Family Wedding

Saturday was a GREAT day! Not only did Obama sweep Nebraska, Louisiana, Washington, AND the U.S. Virgin Islands, but I got to attend my cousin Ashley's wedding.

It was a lovely ceremony, the bride and groom were blissfully happy (we all LOVE the groom and his family!), and there was much dancing, eating, and drinking to be had. The band was fabulous. What a party!

The fam.


Mr. and Mrs. "Chalmerington".

I just realized that of the many weddings I attended in Durham, most of them were as an assistant wedding director. It was great fun to be a guest for a change! I did recognize the wedding coordinators right off the bat by the frazzled looks on their faces.

The insane part is, I actually really miss that job! I'm excited to have a dear friend getting married at Duke Chapel in June, and I get to help. Just like the good ol' days!

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