Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And We're Off

Ventured back to the gym this afternoon to try my luck with the stationary cycle. I survived for 45 minutes but have been completely knocked out for the rest of the day. Baby steps, Teeny, baby steps.

But having successfully navigated the crazy holiday weight-crunch (thanks to the ol' gallstone), I'm more determined than ever to stay on track. See Exhibit A to the right - my weight loss tracker. You can sign on to be my "motivator" at their website. It always helps to get encouragement from a few coaches. :)

Given this new lease on life and in honor of the upcoming New Year festivities, I therefore unveil my new campaign: "Healthy Teeny 2008". It's way more than a weight loss goal (although losing weight and fitting back into my favorite outfits will be a major residual plus). It's a plan to carry out the promise I made to myself and to my father to make 2008 a better year for my mind, body and spirit. It's kind of a "do-ever" on my adulthood, which has had its fair share of trials and tribulations.

A new Teeny. With a new 'do (to dye or not to dye). And a new bod. And a new city (when I start nursing school next fall). And a new future. Here we go...

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