Sunday, June 01, 2008

Team Dougie

I am slacking big-time on the blog posts lately but I wanted to make sure I put up some pictures from the 2008 Relay for Life. "Team Dougie" was back in full force (40+ registered team members, and then some) and it was a really incredible weekend. My sister led the team in a pre-relay "opening ceremony" for Daddy and then his covenant group said a prayer. Then we watched with pride our family members also facing cancer as they walked the survivors' lap.

Then it was time for the caregivers' lap. That was painful. We walked arm in arm and S joined us since he took care of his mom who also had lung cancer and passed away 7 years ago.

There were good times, and lots of sad times, and a lot of stories shared about Daddy. The luminaria slideshow featured ALL of the pictures I had sent in, so it basically became the "Dougie show". Fine by me - the more love, the better.

Here are some photos from 24 hours of honoring my incredible father...

Team prayer before the opening ceremonies.

The team saluting Dougie.

Our survivors.

My luminaria to Daddy.

The fireman in the middle walked the entire 24 hours!!

S was there with me - what a guy!

Team Dougie makes it through the weekend.

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