Tuesday, January 01, 2008


As much as I was looking forward to New Year's Eve, when the clock struck midnight part of me wished that we could hold onto 2007. My fear is that with each New Year I'll lose a little bit of the sorrow. Not that I want to be sad always - grieving evolves with time - but the further we get from September 26th, 2007, the more my father becomes a memory and not a live person.

A family friend of ours described it well last night: you start needing to make appointments to grieve because you don't want to lose touch with the intense love exhibited in intense grief. So I'll just have to be more intentional as time goes by...

Nonetheless, there is much to look forward to in 2008 and I am glad that I have a guardian angel to help me face each new day with grace and peace. And it seems fitting today to honor my incredible Dad by leaving you with one of his favorite Bible verses (Psalm 118:24):

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"

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